Real People 2012
Northwest Area Art Council
P O Box 597
Crystal Lake Illinois 60039-0597
Images - Minimum: 1 , Maximum: 3
Entry Fee (Real People 2012): $35.00
(per image over minimum): $
Real People is open to all artists and media; submitted work must depict the human form or face in some manner. No works previously accepted into a previous Real People show are eligible for entry.
The exhibit will be held at the Old Court House Arts Center in Woodstock, IL, (located northwest of Chicago). The exhibit will run during the months of August and September and include a gala Artists' Reception (see important dates below for exact dates). Please visit for more information on this historic gallery and building.
Cash prizes totaling more than a $1,000.00 will be awarded for First, Second, Third Place and 3 Artistic Merit Awards.
Artists may submit up to 3 pieces for jurying. Each piece should be represented by one image; no detail views or images depicting the same piece from multiple angles.
Up to two pieces may be chosen for the show.
All work must be for sale and there is a 30% sales commission for any works which are sold. All works must be available though the entire run of the show. Gallery size limitation of work is six (6) feet in any single dimension and 150 lbs. There is also an upper sales price limit of $5000 (which is the limit of the insurance we carry for artwork for a single piece). If your work exceeds these limitations please contact us for a variance:
$35.00 for up to three images of three works. Payment can be made through CAFE, or by check (please make check out to 'NAAC' and mail to NAAC, PO Box 597, Crystal Lake, IL 60039-0597).
Discounts are available for current naac or Figurative League Members ($10), and for artists who previously applied to Women's Works 2012 ($10). (Multiple discounts are not allowed.)
Please contact us at if you are eligible for a discount and we will send you the appropriate code. No additional Entry Fee upon Acceptance.
Final entry deadline for Real People 2012 is Wednesday, July 4th 11:59pm CST.
naac is not responsible for incomplete entries and/or payments not received by the due date, so we encourage artists to enter early.
Jury Notifications will be emailed to artists July 5-10th, 2012.
- July 4, 2012: Application Deadline
- July 9-13: Jury notification will be emailed to artists.
- Thursday August 2, 2012: Real People show opens.
- Saturday August 18, 2012 7p CST - Opening Reception
- September 28, 2012. Exhibition Closes and work is available for pick-up or will be shipped to artists the weekend of September 29 Saturday and Sunday Setptember 30, 2012
2012 Juror-Judge
Judy K. Dethmers
Judy received her B.A. in Chemistry, Hope College, Holland MI. (Cum Laude), a PHD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from Northwestern University, Evanston, IL and her M.A. in Drawing/Painting at Eastern Illinois University in Charleston, IL.
Her work has been in numerous exhibitions and received many awards for excellence. She is active in the art community and currently living and working in Champaign Illinois. Recently a selected work appeared in the Women’s Work 25th Anniversary Show, “The Reliquary” 48”x 30, Colored Pencil on Mylar”.
2012 Juror/Judge
Tracey Padron
Tracey was Born in 1963, Attended the American Academy of Art, Chicago; The University of Illinois; The Art
Institute of Chicago; Carpenters Apprentice Program; Elgin Community College. She is a widow with 6 children.
Since the age of 13 when she discovered Michelangelo and Norman Rockwell, she has been fascinated with the study of the figure. She has studied anatomy and at one point in her life was interested in a career in medical illustration. Tracey is a coordinator of the Division St. Drawing Guild and drawing from the figure is a regular occurence in the walls of her private studio.
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